Thursday 1 May 2014

Year 10: ¿Cómo es tu casa?

Write a description of where you live. Include the following:
• Is it a house, a flat, an apartment or a bungalow?
• Where is it?

• What is it like? (Use adjectives, 
but remember adjectival agreement)

• How many rooms are there?

• Which floor are they on?

• Does it have a garden or a garage?

• What furniture is there? Where is it?

• What do you think of it?


•Describe one of the rooms (say what
  furniture it has, say where each piece is in
  the room).

•Say what you wish it had or there were.

  Ojalá tuviera…  -  I wish it had…

  Ojalá hubiera…  -  I wish there were…

•Say where you used to live.

  Antes, vivía en…

•Say where you would like to live in the future.

  En el futuro, me gustaría vivir en…  -  In the future, I’d like to live in…

•Describe your dream house.

Mi casa ideal sería… - My ideal house would be…

Mi casa ideal tendría… - My ideal house would have…
En mi casa ideal habría – In my ideal house, there would be…

Friday 28 March 2014

Year 9: Spring Term Speaking Assessment

The prompt card for this can be found in the L drive / MFL / Spanish / Assessment / Year 9 / SPR1 Speaking Assessment.

      ¿Quieres venir al cine / partido; a una fiesta?
       Entonces, ¿por qué no vamos al museo / a la piscina?
       ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
       ¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado?
       ¿Qué vas a hacer durante la Semana Santa?

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Year 12: AS Mock Paper June 2011

You can find the sound file to this paper in the L Drive: MFL/Spanish/Year 12/Past Papers/2011.

Monday 24 March 2014

Year 10: Las fiestas - Controlled Assessment

Click here to link to a wikipedia page on some of the more internationally-known Spanish fiestas.

Friday 21 March 2014

Year 13: Las causas de la pobreza

Click here to study vocabulary central to discussion and comprehension of this topic.
Further reading on this topic can be found here:   Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Year 12: Actitudes y discordia en la familia

A vocabulary set in Spanish and English on the topic of family relationships taken from Pp. 86-87 of the AQA AS Spanish textbook.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Monday 10 March 2014

Monday 3 March 2014

Year 10: Una ocasión especial

Based upon your study of the 'Tomando tapas' unit, write an account of the last meal you had in a restaurant or on a special occasion. You should try to include as much of the following information as possible.
  • Where you went and why.
  • What you ate and drank.
  • What other members of your party ate and drank.
  • Something you or others tried for the first time.
  • Opinions.
  • Problems.
You could start like this: 'La última vez que fui a...'

Year 9: The Near Future tense

Follow this link to study the structure of the Near Future tense. Here is another webpage that you can access to practice working in this tense. Write your own explanation of how you form this tense in the comment bank below.

Then, return to the following blog post and add an account of how you are going to spend the forthcoming Easter holiday.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Year 8: Los adjetivos

You should study this set of adjectives to enable you to justify your opinions of school subjects.

Year 10: En el restaurante

Click here to study terms that you might use in a restaurant setting.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Year 9: ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?

Click here to practice time expressions, expressions of preference and familiar verbs in infinitive, present and preterite tenses.

Using a combination of the above, write around one hundred words on your free time. Include the following:
  • What you like / love / dislike / hate doing.
  • What you usually / sometimes / always / never, etc. do
  • What you did recently / last weekend / last summer, etc.
Make sure you plan your work so that it flows and reads coherently. Link your statements using the connective devices you have learned, adding opinions with justification where you can.

Now, review your work, then add a further paragraph, detailing what you and others are going to do over the forthcoming Easter holiday. Your submission should now be around 150 words long. You could begin this paragraph like this: 'Durante Semana Santa...'

GCSE Spanish: Revision Tool

The Spanish Department has created an app that enables access to a variety of revision resources. You can download this onto your mobile phone or ipad. It also opens as a webpage. Click here to access.

Year 11: Las prácticas laborales

Click here to access revision cards to help you prepare to discuss your work experience.
Prepare a response to a prompt on work experience: 'Describe tus prácticas laborales'. You could mention the following:

1. Where you worked - Hice mis prácticas laborales en... / Trabajé en... / Fui a trabajar en...
2. How long you worked there for - Trabajé allí durante...
3. What you did routinely - Todos los días tenía que... / iba a... / hacía...
4. What you did one day - Un día tuve que... / fui a... / hice...
5. The best and worst aspects - Lo mejor fue... / Lo peor fue...
6. What your boss was like - Mi jefe era...

Be prepared to practise and refine this in our next lesson on Thursday, 27 February.

Monday 24 February 2014

Year 13: La convivencia de culturas

Click here to access vocabulary and set phrases on the topic of multiculturalism.

Write a response of 150 words to one of the following questions:
¿Es posible que los distintos grupos étnicos puedan integrarse a la sociedad y también conservar su propia cultura?
¿Cuáles son los factores que facilitan la integración? y ¿cuáles son los que lo impiden?  
¿Qué debemos hacer para crear un sentido de unidad en una sociedad multiracial?
¿Qué se puede hacer para promover un sentimiento de pertenencia?

Year 12: Deportes extremos

Click here to study vocabulary and set phrases in advance of our next lesson on Thursday 27 February.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Thursday 13 February 2014

Year 10: ¿Por dónde se va a...?

'Para ir al supermercado, sal del instituto, gira a la derecha, toma la segunda calle a la izquierda y está a mano izquierda.'

Not knowing the area very well, this is my version of how I think you would get to the Co-op from school. Write back to me telling me how to get from school to a restaurant or hotel of your choice in Ipswich. It is important that the language is correct and linked coherently, not that the directions, themselves, be accurate. Here is a link to vocabulary practice to help you with giving and understanding directions. Here is a link to some guidebook phrases and further vocabulary. You should begin with, 'Para ir a...

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Year 12: ¿Participante o espectador?

En tu municipio no existe ninguna instalación deportiva. Escribe un mensaje para el foro del sitio web del Ayuntamiento quejándote de la falta de instalaciones y explicando por qué debería ser una prioridad.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Year 11: ¿Qué cualidades son necesarias para ser buen...?

Write down some things that are important or essential qualities to have in order to do your chosen job successfully. You should start like this, 'Para ser...' You should then use a combination of the following structures: '...hay que...'; ' debe...'; es imprescindible / esencial / importante / necesario / preferible'; 'se precisa'; 'hace falta' + infinitive. Justify at least one of your assertions. You should write at least thirty words. Use the model below to help. This assignment is due by Thursday 13 February.

'Para ser buen profesor hace falta ser experto en tu campo. No sólo eso, sino también es necesario saber controlar el comportamiento incívico y hay que trabajar bien en equipo porque nunca trabajas de forma individual. Finalmente se necesita empeño y amor al trabajo.'

Monday 10 February 2014

Year 10: Descriptive writing

Look at your response to the 'Mi Ciudad' post below. In the light of feedback and the language structures studied in today's lesson, write an extended and complex response to the following questions:
  • ¿Qué hay en Ipswich?
  • ¿Cómo es?

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Year 10: Las tiendas

 A vocabulary list of types of shop, plus practice of decimals in Spanish. Click here to practise.

Year 9: ¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado?

In class, we have studied how to augment your writing by including time expressions, sequencers, opinions and connectives. We have also studied different verb endings so that you can say not only what you and others do, but also what you and others did.

You now need to write an account of how you spent last weekend. You should try to write up to 100 words. This should be submitted by Wednesday, 12 February. You could start like this...

'El fin de semana pasado...

Click on this link for extra support.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Year 8: Las asignaturas

Three sets of vocabulary:
  • school subjects
  • days of the week 
  • adjectives to help you explain why you like or dislike your subjects.
Haz clic aquí

Read this from Ángel.

'Hola amigos, soy Ángel. Me gusta la geografía porque es interesante, pero no me gusta la historia porque es aburrida. Y ¿tú? ¿qué asignaturas te gustan y no te gustan? ¿por qué?'

Write a short response saying which subjects you like and dislike. Say why.

Monday 3 February 2014

Sunday 2 February 2014

Year 9: Mi tiempo libre

Click on this link to revise vocabulary items that will help you to speak and write about how you spend your free time. 

Year 12: El deporte y el ejercicio

Vocabulary learning homework task. You should open this link. You will be tested on these items on Thursday 6 February.

Friday 31 January 2014

Year 13: The Personal 'a'

This is a quick recap and drill on this important component of Spanish grammar.

Work your way through the various exercises.

Year 11: Las profesiones

Go to this link to practise job title vocabulary for your test on Tuesday, 4 February.

You also need to develop answers to the following questions, using the structures discussed in class:

      ¿En qué trabajas actualmente
      ¿Qué tienes que hacer? 
      ¿Dónde trabajas?

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Year 8: ¿Qué estudias?

Andrés y sus amigos
Hola, ¿Qué tal? Soy Andrés. Los lunes estudio matemáticas, inglés, ciencias y francés pero no estudio tecnología. Y ¿tú? ¿qué estudias los lunes, los martes, los miércoles, los jueves y los viernes? ¿Qué no estudias?

Hasta luego.

Write a reply to Andrés, detailing the subjects you study on each day of the week. Add some subjects that you don't study.

Monday 27 January 2014

Year 12: Los cigarrillos electrónicos - ¿una solución u otro problema?

Read this article and answer the following questions:

1. ¿Cómo ha cambiado el número de jóvenes en EEUU que utiliza los cigarrillos electrónicos?
2. ¿Por qué fueron introducidos los cigarrillos electrónicos?
3. ¿Qué conclusión está sacando el CDC?
4. ¿Qué otra conclusión preocupante demuestra la encuesta?
5. Resume en tus propias palabras los argumentos a favor y en contra de este producto según los promotores y los detractores.
6. Y ¿tú?, ¿qué opinas? ¿Se debe prohibir la venta de estos productos a los jóvenes o no? Escribe unas cien palabras dando cara y cruz del argumento.