Monday 10 February 2014

Year 10: Descriptive writing

Look at your response to the 'Mi Ciudad' post below. In the light of feedback and the language structures studied in today's lesson, write an extended and complex response to the following questions:
  • ¿Qué hay en Ipswich?
  • ¿Cómo es?


  1. ¿Qué hay en Ipswich?

    En Ipswich hay una piscina y un cine, tambien Ipswich tiene el centro commercial se llamo 'Tower Ramparts' Fue Mal. Sin embargo Ipswich no hay parque acuatico. Que Triste! Ojala tuviera el parque acuatico. [How would I say, If we had one it would be brilliant?]

    ¿Cómo es?

    Depende puede ser muy abburido y hacer mucho frio. Ademas a veces puede haber mucho ruido. Sin embargo casi nunca hace sol pero cuando hace sol, Ipswich es bonito

    1. You start off well, Chris, but check spelling of the Spanish for 'shopping centre' and, later, 'boring' (remember, C-A-R-O-L-I-N-A). Also check the phrase, 'which is called'. I am not sure about the tense of your first opinion or to what it refers. You have omitted a word from the second line; this is the same error that Amoke made in lesson on Monday. Perhaps you could ask her advice.

      In your second paragraph, don't forget to punctuate. I will show the class how to formulate, ' if we had...' tomorrow, as well as how to avoid repetition such as that of, 'hace sol', in your last sentence.

  2. I got this

    Ipswich tiene dos cines, una piscina, y numeroso parques. Recomendaria Christchurch park, porque es el mayor. En el contro de la ciudad hay un cento commercial. Ipswich no hay monumentos de historia asi que es un poco vacio.

    Ipswich esta en el sur de Suffolk, pero no en la costa. Es un poco grande and porque es un poco grande es un poco feo. En en invierno nieva (pero no este ano) pero en el primavera, verano, y otoño llueve. Sin muchos attraciones es aburrido, a menos que algo especial sucede.

    I'm not sure about that last bit. The word order for 'something special happens' boggles me.

    1. Good reply, Tristan. My comments are these:

      1. 'numeroso parques'
      Check adjectival agreement.

      2. 'En el contro de la ciudad hay un cento commercial.'
      Check spelling.

      3. 'Ipswich no hay monumentos'
      Missing word.

      4. 'Es un poco grande and porque es un poco grande es un poco feo'
      Wrong word here. Are you saying that it is ugly because it is big? If so, try to vary your language by changing 'porque' to 'ya que'.

      Your last sentence is very good, though I would check spelling, gender and adjectival agreement.
